Select one cubic cell with its side length of 10 μm close to the feed reservoir, and divide the cubic cell equally into 30 slides along the x direction, as illustrated
in Figure 2. The I-BET-762 supplier parameters for simulation are listed as Table 1. The program for the simulation is written in C++, and it is compiled and run on Borland C++ Builder (Micro Focus, Beijing, China). Figure 2 The illustration of simulation cell. The biomolecules are simplified as small balls in the solution; cubic cell with its side length of 10 μm close to the feed reservoir CFTRinh-172 purchase and divide the cubic cell equally into 30 slides along the x direction. Table 1 Parameters for simulation Items Parameter setting Biomolecules Relative molecular mass 140 kDa, surface charge density σ = 2.0 × 1,017/m2, concentration 10 ng/mL Nanopore arrays in PC membrane Pore diameter 50 nm, pore density 6 pores/μm2, membrane thickness 6 to 11 μm; its
effective contact area contacting the solution is around 7 mm Conditions The applied electric field E = 0.1 V/nm, 0.1 M KCl solution Results and discussions The experimental approach In our experiments, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 mol/L KCl aqueous solutions are employed as electrolytes for IgG DMXAA order detection. The pH value of the solution is controlled at 7.48 to guarantee the surface charge of IgG molecules being positive. When a certain voltage is applied to the two liquid cells through
Pt electrodes, K+ and Cl− are driven to pass through nanopores, which result in certain background ionic currents. As illustrated in Figure 3, the ionic current will increase with the increasing driven voltage if the concentration of KCl solution remains unchanged. It next is obvious that bigger voltage corresponds to bigger electrostatic force, which will accelerate the movements of K+ and Cl− and will lead to rather bigger ionic currents. On the other hand, if the driven voltage remains unchanged, the bigger density of ions in the solution will result in bigger ionic currents. For example, when the driven voltage is fixed at 400 mV, the ionic current is 1,260, 327, and 196 nA, corresponding to KCl concentrations of 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 mol/L, respectively. From the inset picture in Figure 3, it can be found that the ionic currents rise linearly with the concentrations of electrolyte solution. These results indicate that the device based on nanopore arrays can be used for ionic current recordings. Figure 3 The recorded ionic current increase with the applied voltage increasing. The concentrations of the electrolyte solutions are 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 mol/L, respectively, and the nanopore arrays with the diameter of 50 nm. When IgG molecules are added into the KCl solution, they are driven to pass through the nanopore arrays by the electrostatic force.