Transcript from the bat genes is present in

the WT strain

Transcript from the bat genes is present in

the WT strain but undetectable in the ΔbatABD mutant, as expected. In the ΔbatA mutant strain, only the batA transcript is undetectable, but transcripts from the downstream ORFs, including batB and batD, were detected. Although the arrangement of the 11 genes suggest they may be co-transcribed in an operon, the deletion of the bat genes does not eliminate transcript from the SAHA mouse downstream ORFs and we hypothesize that each gene has an independent promoter. Interestingly, even ORFs immediately downstream of the deleted genes had observable levels of transcript, even though their promoter regions were most likely located in the deleted sequences. However, the levels of transcript from the downstream genes were significantly lower in the mutant strains compared to transcript levels in the WT: htpG transcript levels were 3.7-fold lower in the ΔbatABD strain, and batB Sapanisertib transcript levels were >12-fold lower in the ΔbatA mutant. Figure 3 Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the bat locus and downstream genes. Gene targets are shown below the PD173074 supplier corresponding section of the bar-graph using specific primer-probe sets for each gene (Table 1). Transcript from each gene was normalized to 104 copies of flaB transcript

from the respective strain. –X–, indicates deletion of the corresponding gene indicated above. Values represent the mean of triplicate reactions ± the standard error. Unpaired T test with Welch’s correction was used to determine significant differences between two groups (e.g. batB transcript levels between WT and ΔbatA mutant strains). For statistical analysis of more than 2 groups (such as comparisons of gene transcripts between WT, ΔbatA mutant and ΔbatABD mutant strains), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the

Bonferroni’s post test was applied. P values < 0.0001 are denoted by ***. Morphology and growth rate of bat mutants are equivalent to wild-type The signal sequence of BatD suggests a periplasmic or membrane-associated location for at least one member of this protein family. We therefore examined whether the absence of Bat proteins affected cellular Branched chain aminotransferase shape or structure. L. biflexa morphology was assessed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, including negative stains and freeze-substitution fixation to retain a more native state of the cells. As shown in representative images in Figure 4A, no morphological or ultrastructural differences were observed between the WT and mutant strains by any of these analyses. Figure 4 Deletion of bat loci does not alter morphology or growth of L. biflexa . (A) Electron micrographs of WT and mutant L. biflexa strains. No difference was observed in the morphology of the mutant strains relative to the WT (batA images not shown). Top panel – SEM images of L.

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