According to the XPS images in Figure 8A, the bonding energies of the Ti2p1/2 and Ti2p3/2 peaks were 458.71 and 457.56 eV, which indicates that Ti mainly exists as Ti4+ in TiO2. From the XPS spectrum of C1s (Figure 8B), three peaks were observed at 284.79, 286.27, and 288.83 eV. The first peak was assigned to elemental carbon, which is present in the catalyst as intercalated carbon, according to previous
reports AZD5363 [20]. The second peak of C1s indicates that the elemental carbon exists as a C-O bond. The third peak of C1s which indicates that elemental carbon exists as a C = O bond. Figure 8 XPS results of composite fiber heat-treated at 550°C then preserved heating in NH 3 . (A) Ti2p , (B) C1s , (C) N1s,, and (D) O1s . In the XPS spectrum of N1s (Figure 8C), the dominant peak at about 400.08 eV is attributed to the adsorption of N2 due to surface nitriding. The surface nitriding has weakly nitrogen effects. This N element exerts no effects on the
chemical status of Ti and O in the crystal lattice. Thus, the peak positions of Ti2p and O1s either did not change or changed only slightly. The chemistry status of N2p did not form leading to the weak visible-light photocatalytic activity [11]. The O1s spectra of the samples are shown in Figure 8D. The O1s peaks of the samples were observed at 529.96 and 531.64 eV. The first peak had a binding energy of 529.96 eV, which is characteristic of metallic oxides; this result is in agreement with
the O1s electron binding energy Bafilomycin A1 arising from the Ti lattice [21, 22]. In the other peak at 531.64 eV, there were several opinions to interpret the status of O1s . Emeline et al. [11] reported that the second peak is closely related to hydroxyl groups (−OH), which result mainly from chemisorbed water. The nitriding TiO2 may have more hydroxyl groups on its surface than pure TiO2. With increased surface hydroxyl content, catalysis can trap more photogenerated holes and prevent electron–hole recombination. Some studies have reported that this shift occurs mainly because of the anionic N in O-Ti-N linkages. Babu et al. [23] reported that the peak at 531.6 eV may be caused by the nitriding process changing the Ti-O crystal lattice due to the Sitaxentan N or C doping. Conclusion In summary, TiO2 fibers doped with non-metals (C and N) and with diameters of 100 nm were successfully produced by the electrospinning technique. The photocatalytic activity of the fibers during MB degradation was investigated after heat treatment under different atmospheres (NH3 and N2). TG-DSC results showed that the organic groups of the composite decomposed completely at 479°C. XRD analysis showed different crystalline structures of the fibers under various heat-treatment conditions. Ti fibers containing both anatase and rutile phases showed better photocatalytic performance. SEM images showed that the diameter of the fibers ranged from 50 to 200 nm.