All the variants of AOT show identical histological features.[10] the The histological typing of WHO defined AOT as a tumor of odontogenic epithelium with duct-like structures and with varying degrees of inductive change in the connective tissue.[1] AOT is usually surrounded by a well-developed connective tissue capsule. It may present as a solid mass, a single large cystic space, or as numerous small cystic spaces.[1] The tumor is composed of spindle-shaped or polygonal cells forming sheets and whorled masses in a scant connective tissue stroma. The amorphous eosinophilic material is seen between the epithelial cells, as well as in the center of the rosette-like structure. The characteristic duct-like structures are lined by a single row of columnar epithelial cells, the nuclei of which are polarized away from the central lumen, as was evident in all our cases.
The lumen may be empty or contain amorphous eosinophilic material.[3,5] Dystrophic calcification in varying amounts and in different forms is usually encountered in most AOTs within the lumina of the duct-like structures, scattered among epithelial masses or in the stroma. [Figures [Figures1f,1f, ,2f,2f, ,3f3f and and4f]4f] The immunohistochemical studies report that the slow growth, benign character, and low tendency to recur are clearly related to the low cellular proliferation observed on performing immunostaining for the Ki67 antigen.[10] Figure 1 (a) The extraoral photograph shows a well-defined hard swelling present on chin and submental region (b) The mandibular occlusal radiograph shows lingual cortical plate expansion and an impacted 43 (c) Panoramic radiograph shows well-defined corticated .
.. Figure 2 (a) Intraoral photograph showing well-demarcated swelling in the buccal vestibule (b) Mandibular occlusal radiograph shows buccal cortical plate expansion with impacted 34 (c) Panoramic radiograph shows well-defined corticated expansile lesion with impacted … Figure 3 (a) Intraoral photograph showing edentulous space in anterior region (b) Mandibular occlusal radiograph shows a radiolucent lesion with six impacted teeth and buccal-lingual cortical plate expansion (c) Panoramic radiograph shows well-defined corticated … Figure 4 (a) Intraoral photograph showing missing 45 and an apparent vestibular obliteration (b) Mandibular occlusal radiograph showing a radiolucent lesion with buccal-lingual cortical plate expansion and impacted 45 (c) Panoramic view shows a well-corticated .
.. Radiographically, the intraosseous AOT has distinct features. It usually appears as a pericoronal well-circumscribed unilocular radiolucency or radiopaque-radiolucent mixed lesion with well-defined corticated or sclerotic border, usually surrounding an unerupted tooth, and may contain multiple minute variable-shaped Brefeldin_A calcifications or radiopaque foci, which may appear like a ��cluster of small pebbles��.