Because the patient was quite constipated and had impressive amounts of stool in his colon, a glycerol enema was given. The following day, as signs of shock were becoming evident, the patient was referred to us. The physical examination of abdomen did not show abnormal findings except for reduced abdominal sounds. Laboratory tests indicated slight anemia (hemoglobin, 10.9 g/dL) and acidosis (pH, 7.391; base excess, −3.2 mmol/L), an elevated white blood cell count (10,900/mm3) and creatine kinase (1342 U/L). An abdominal radiograph Selleck SCH727965 revealed
massive small bowel gas and an abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed massive intra- (thin arrow in Figure 1 and 2) and extra- (thick arrow in Figure 2) hepatic gas, cholelithiasis (circle in Figure 2) and distended small bowel (Figure 3). Free air was not detected. Based on a diagnosis of massive portal and superior mesenteric venous gas, possibility of bowel ischemia and cholangitis with
pneumobilia, emergency laparotomy was performed. It revealed serous ascites, edematous changes of the jejunal serosa and portal venous gas. Considering the possibility of pneumobilia, therefore, we performed a cholecystectomy with cystic tube drainage and intra-abdominal-lavage. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course. Follow-up CT, performed 3 days postoperatively, confirmed resolution of the portal venous gas. Cultures of bile and ascites that were extracted intraoperatively selleck inhibitor were negative. Portal venous gas is an uncommon feature of acute abdomen
with a high mortality rate. It Cepharanthine has been reported to be associated with various conditions such as ischemic bowel, bowel obstruction, intra-abdominal abcess, gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, suppurative cholangitis and enema. The mechanical causes of portal venous gas are proposed mucosal damage, bowel distension and sepsis caused by gas-producing bacteria. The prognosis of patients is associated with the underlying diseases, therefore, urgent laparotomy is recommended for patients with concurrent signs of bowel necrosis or ischemia. The CT scan in this case revealed massive hepatic portal venous gas, an air-fluid level in the superior mesenteric vein and extensive small bowel pneumatosis intestinalis. Urgent laparotomy was performed to exclude bowel ischemia and severe cholangitis. Despite the massive portal venous gas and pneumatosis intestinalis in this case, laparotomy was probably not required. Retrospectively, the glycerol enema was speculated as the cause of the massive portal venous gas. Contributed by “
“Molloy and colleagues1 report original results about the association between caffeine consumption and the low risk of insulin resistance (IR) and fibrosis progression in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).