Figure 2 Transverse sonographic section of the right upper quadrant using a curvilinear probe showing hyperdence echogenic small
areas (arrows) between the gall bladder (GB) and the liver (L) indicating free air. Figure learn more 3 Erect chest X-ray showing free air under the right diaphragm. Figure 4 Laparotomy showing a 12 cm necrotic wound of the anterior wall of the rectum. Discussion The click here diagnosis of trans-anal rectal injuries is usually delayed because of patient’s denial and late presentation. Some of these injuries are self inflicted or caused by criminal assault [1, 2]. High index of suspicion is essential for diagnosis. In the present patient, portable surgeon-performed point-of-care ultrasound gave very useful information. Point-of-care ultrasound is an extension of the clinical
examination. It is a goal-directed study that can be used for rapid diagnosis. It is accurate, non-invasive, cost effective, repeatable, without risk of radiation, and can be done in unstable patients parallel to physical examination and resuscitation [5, 6]. It may be argued that ultrasound did not change the clinical management of our present patient. Bedside ultrasound is much quicker when performed by the treating surgeon as an extension Mdivi1 nmr of the abdominal examination than doing a formal chest X-ray in the Radiology Department. Furthermore, ultrasound can be done while the patient is in the supine position, and may detect small amount of free intraperitoneal air compared with an erect chest X-ray which may be negative in up to 10% of patients with perforated bowel. Small amount of free intraperitoneal air can be detected under the anterior abdominal wall and in Morison’s pouch [7].
This would be useful even in early bowel perforation without peritonitis. Furthermore, ultrasound is useful in disaster and austere situations when formal X-rays cannot be performed [8]. The ultrasound image of IFA results from the reverberation artefact of the ultrasound waves which swings between the ultrasound transducer and the highly reflective air. An increased echogenicity of a peritoneal stripe behind the anterior abdominal wall may Protein kinase N1 be present [3, 7, 9]. The position of the stripe will change when changing the patient’s position. Similar to our patient, trapped free intraperitoneal air bubbles in a localized fluid collection will give rise to echogenic foci [4, 7]. The associated findings of thickened omentum and bowel, and free pelvic fluid pointed towards peritonitis in our patient [3, 10]. We have performed bedside ultrasound as an extension of the abdominal examination in our patient before performing the rectal examination. Initially the patient denied the history of inserting a foreign body through his anus and he was diagnosed as having lower urinary tract infection in the Emergency Department. He was suspected to have bowel perforation only after the bedside ultrasound was performed.