Tapeworms represent an extreme example in the evolution of parasitism in flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes), being distinguished from the other parasitic groups by the complete loss of a gut and a highly modified, segmented, body plan. They are almost exclusively enteric parasites of vertebrates as adults, with complex life cycles involving ontogenetically distinct larval stages that first develop in arthropod hosts, although variation in everything from their basic body architecture
to their host associations is found among an estimated 6000 species. Like free-living flatworms, selleck tapeworms maintain totipotent stem cells (called neoblasts) throughout their lives (1–5), providing them with an extraordinary degree of developmental plasticity and a theoretical potential for indeterminate growth (6). Although tapeworm infection of humans is less prevalent than that of trematodes such as
Schistosoma and Fasciola, their enormous reproductive output and potential for metastatic growth can produce severe pathological consequences (7), and cestode diseases remain a significant threat to our health and agriculture. The Microbiology inhibitor notion of flatworms as representing the proto-bilaterian condition promoted throughout most of the 20th century has been difficult to dispel, and they continue to be cited as such today. Wide adoption of the 18S-based ‘new animal phylogeny’ (Figure 1; 8,9) that showed them to be members of the Lophotrochozoa (a diverse group including annelid worms and molluscs
that together with the Ecdysozoa encompasses the spiralian animals) refuted this notion, and their lophotrochozoan affinities have been supported consistently by studies based on increasingly large numbers of genes. Less support has been found for their exact position within the Lophotrochozoa, but they appear to have closer affinities to ‘platyzoan’ groups including rotifers Clomifene and bryozoans than to either annelids or molluscs (10). Based on their position, there is no longer any a priori reason to assume them to be representative of an early, or ‘primitive’, bilaterian condition. Moreover, not only are flatworms a more recently evolved animal lineage than previous ideas suggested, but the parasitic flatworms form also a derived clade (i.e. Neodermata; ‘new skin’) within the phylum, having appeared after the major diversification of their free-living cousins (11). We should expect then that flatworm biology, including their genomes, will reflect both their shared affinities to other lophotrochozoan phyla and their unique, lineage-specific adaptations, such as the maintenance of totipotent stem cells and adoption of parasitism. Phylogenetic studies (11,12) indicate that obligate parasitism first arose through association (e.g.