That is, the clinician guides the patient into developing a scientific attitude toward testing the validity or effectiveness of certain thoughts or behaviors. Together, the clinician and patient develop hypotheses about cognitions and behaviors, determine ineffective or erroneous patterns by examining data, explore alternatives, and, finally, change cognitions or behaviors to be more effective and positive. Socratic questioning, a primary strategy of
CT, teaches the use of rationality and inductive reasoning. Initial CT techniques Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical include psychoeducatlon, behavioral activation, identifying and modifying automatic thoughts via Socratic questioning or thought recording, and the reduction in symptoms via behavioral techniques (eg, desensitization, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical relaxation training, social skills training, exposure and flooding, and distraction).1 Intermediate strategies
may include examining data, generating alternatives, rehearsing and practicing new behaviors and cognitions, and modifying core beliefs or “schémas.” Beck1 conceptualizes schemas as cognitive templates that are Lapatinib mw learned early in life and guide perception, organize experience, and shape the probability of certain kinds of responses in specific situations. Schemas often include dysfunctional attitudes that may increase one’s vulnerability to a first episode or recurrence of depression.19 Interpersonal psychotherapy Like Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical CT, IPT is a manualized, short-term, present-oriented psychotherapy that has demonstrated robust and replicable results, as both an Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical acute and maintenance treatment for depression.3,22-24 Acute IPT typically involves 16 to 24 weekly sessions. Recently, however, investigators have begun testing the relative efficacy of a briefer, 8-session, course of IPT.25 Often, in cases of recurrent depression, monthly or biweekly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical continuation or maintenance sessions are recommended for at least 6 months following remission.23 IPT was originally developed in a research context by Klerman and colleagues as part of
a so-called maintenance treatment trial beginning in 1968.26,27 This first efficacy study of IPT would probably be considered a continuation treatment trial today. IPT was subsequently codified as an acute treatment by Klerman et al4,28 and as a maintenance treatment by our research group.23,29 The theoretical rationale for IPT derives from the relationship between interpersonal TCL distress or problems in social role functioning and depressive illness. IPT makes no etiological assumptions, ie, no assumptions about whether interpersonal distress causes depression or depression causes interpersonal distress, but rather assumes that when depression is present there are almost always problems in interpersonal relationships or social role functioning, and that the amelioration of those problems is likely to result in an amelioration of depressive symptoms as well as an improvement in functioning.