To successfully proceed with the development and improvement of such systems, a comprehensive see more understanding is required and therefore a detailed characterization should be addressed. This is not an easy task since the downscaling tendency will require a characterization down to nanoscale where big challenges like confinement can occur. As a result, effects confined down
to nanoscale can play Dactolisib a major and defining role in the overall performance of future devices. Therefore, not only the access of nanoscale is strongly required, but also the corresponding understanding is a key factor for reaching a success. Addressing these two aspects, the scanning probe microscopy techniques exhibit strong versatility. In particular, for interconnect systems, the electric characterization which gives an insight into the CNT/bottom
line contact quality is of great importance. Multi-walled CNT (MWCNT)-based via interconnect systems are mainly characterized in the literature using classical electrical measurements where the entire via is contacted using a top metal electrode. It is obvious where the problem lies in this configuration. The outcome of the study tells nothing about fluctuations inside the via itself. The interpretation of such results is rather blind relative to a possible inhomogeneous internal performance. Via a (nano)characterization of learn more such systems by conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM), this issue is not overlooked. Moreover, c-AFM gives the opportunity to address single CNTs earning undeniable superiority over the classical electrical measurements. While general information can be collected over an extended CNT array using the so-called current mapping, individual CNTs can be addressed in detail using current–voltage (I V) studies. The facility is crucial as the downscaling tendency boosts the importance of the CNT/metal contacts in the ultimate nanoscaled devices with Ceramide glucosyltransferase a strong impact over
the final performance. Therefore, c-AFM was applied in this work to address the electric characterization of vertically aligned MWCNT arrays grown on a copper-based metal line. Methods Vertically aligned MWCNT arrays were grown by chemical vapour deposition on a copper-based conductive metal line as comprehensively described in [8, 15]. The copper-based metal line is a layer stack where Ta was used as the top layer. Moreover, TaN was used as the barrier layer to inhibit copper diffusion into the Ni catalyst layer. It was shown that the lack of such a diffusion barrier would strongly affect the quality of the CNT vertical growth [8]. All data shown within this work were recorded under ambient conditions using a 5500 AFM from Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA, USA). N-type (phosphorus-doped) silicon-etched AFM probes from MikroMasch (Wetzlar, Germany) with a nominal uncoated tip radius of 10 nm were used for tapping-mode imaging.