Table 1 Clinical and histopathological characteristics of the study patients Endoscopic and histopathological assessment All patients underwent upper GI endoscopy and 6/20 also underwent endoscopic ultra-sonography (EUS). Upper GI endoscopy with multiple biopsies Dorsomorphin FDA was performed in order to assess the lesions and map surrounding gastric mucosa for changes of atrophic gastritis; the ��dominant�� lesions were biopsied and removed if possible. EUS was performed to assess invasion of the muscularis propria, regional lymph node involvement and/or visible metastases. Histopathological diagnosis was performed using biopsies taken from both the tumors and the surrounding mucosa at diagnosis or periodically during the follow-up period, or, in case of tumor excision – from the surgical specimen.
Sections were immunostained for chromogranin (CG), neuron specific enolase (NSE), synaptophysin (SYN), and the Ki-67 proliferative index using the MIB-I antibody. The diagnosis of NETs was confirmed morphologically during endoscopy together with a positive immunocytochemical staining for NSE, SYN and/or CG. Evaluation of response to treatment Disease response was defined using established WHO criteria[24]. Patients were considered in remission if symptoms disappeared, gastrin and CgA levels were substantially reduced (> 50% reduction) or returned to normal range and if there was no evidence of residual disease following treatment. The study was approved by the local institutional ethical committees and informed consent was obtained from all patients. Statistical analysis Results were expressed as mean �� SD.
Nonparametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA) was used to assess and compare different parameters (such as the mean age at diagnosis, the size of the largest tumor, the Ki-67 etc.) at diagnosis (Table (Table2),2), or the levels of gastrin at diagnosis and following surgical treatment/at last visit (Table (Table1).1). Post hoc comparisons were made using Mann-Whitney U test. A P value of < 0.05 was considered significant. Table 2 Factors of significance in the suspicion of metastatic gastric carcinoid type 1 n (%) RESULTS The clinical characteristics of all patients included in the study are shown in Table Table3.3. The cohort included 9 men and 11 women with a mean age of 55.1 years.
Whereas women are usually at higher risk for autoimmune atrophic gastritis, our cohort included patients of both genders, showing only a slight preponderance in the number of female Drug_discovery patients. The mean duration of follow-up was 83 mo (range 12-360 mo). Other autoimmune diseases (e.g., Hashimoto��s thyroiditis, Sj?gren��s syndrome) were diagnosed in two patients (10%). In three patients (15%) there was a first-degree relative with history of gastric (2 patients) or pancreatic (one patient) adenocarcinoma.