The analytical process commences with (translation) transcription and familiarisation (Table 1). This is followed by an initial indexing of key-features inside the
text which reflect the status (the fit) of data-labels [82: 277]. Key themes are then sought among the data-labels, representative of ‘conceptually similar responses or opinions’ [52]. Finally, these themes are developed into typologies or heuristic categories Trametinib manufacturer [45] recurrent across the qualitative material. (i) Transcript Type: Interview transcripts are labelled to indicate respondent occupational experiences inside or prior to commercial SSF ( Table 2). Some interviews indicate a total absence of non-fishing occupational experience and these responses Palbociclib mw are indexed as Type A. Other texts reveal that SSF have worked extensively in non-fishing employment;
these are indexed as Type B. Table 2. Key features (data labels) identified during initial indexing of transcripts. The respondents in Cabuno camp originate from eight West African states (Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal) and are affiliated with seventeen ethnic groups (Baga, Biafara, Bijago, Bullom, Enugu, Fante, Felupe, Fula, Loko, Mandingo, Ollof, Sere, Sherbro, Songwe, Sousou, Temne and Sylla). Their birth places are commonly near-coastal, but also include the highlands of Guinea-Conakry and the Timbuktu desert. All are Muslim, with one exception.
Most fishers recount previous attendance at a State-run school; most traders recall Arabic (Koranic) taught classes only. From the six main data labels (transcript type, work at entry into fishing, place and timing of entry, contact and reason for entry) emerge three key themes, around which the life history texts are ultimately framed. Individuals describe entry into commercial SSF from a diversity of occupational backgrounds. Various jobs are described in the interviews associated with the primary (farming, herding, foresting, hunting, mining), secondary (construction work) and tertiary or service-sectors (boat and taxi transport operations; carpentry, car washing, dish washing, mechanics, Tangeritin non-fish trade; airport baggage handling, photography, tailoring, traditional medicine shamanism and welding). Only one individual makes reference to industrial-scale employment as providing an entry into SSF and most employment pathways commence within non-fishing occupations. Many interviews recount ‘falling’ or being pushed into fishing on account of poor familial health, death or bad-luck. For most however, episodes of post-colonial political disturbance, civil unrest and violence caused severe livelihood disruption to choices and opportunities.