However, these scales would not be sufficient to assess remission

However, these scales would not be sufficient to assess remission, as pointed out by the ACNP task force on response

and remission in major depressive disorders.43 The authors postulate that remission implies that the signs and symptoms of the illness must be absent or close to it, with return to the day-to-day function that was typical to the patient before the occurrence of depression. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The Task Force recommends that remission refer only to the nine criterion domains of the DSM-IV diagnosis of depression. Interestingly, they also specify that neither sad mood nor loss of interest or pleasure should be present in the remitted state, because the presence of sadness would be associated with a worse prognosis. Their definition of remission implies that rating scales used to assess remission would assess the nine domains of interest in the DSM-IV, but they also recommend not to use total scores with severity thresholds for the assessments, but rather to evaluate the presence Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or absence of the criteria, in which sadness takes an important part. They emphasize Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the limitations of the MADRS and HAM-D scales, but at the same time propose that a HAM-D total score <5 be used as a criterion for remission, when researchers wish to evaluate this.43 Conclusions Sadness is a clinical main component of the depressive syndrome, though its presence is neither sufficient nor required for the diagnosis of depression. However, it is a frequent clinical feature in

the disease, and its clinical correlates, such as suicide

and level of KPT 330 daytime functioning, are of importance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the patients. With this perspective, some authors have decided to use it as a criterion for clinical studies of antidepressant efficacy, even if its assessment alone seems insufficient in comparison with standardized evaluations. Though further studies assessing its sensitivity are strongly warranted, its use in clinical practice as a therapeutic target appears to be justified. The prognostic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical importance of its alleviation for remission has been particularly emphasized. Given the heterogeneity of the depressive clinical presentation, mafosfamide one should not reduce depression to sadness; at the same time it is justifiable to consider it as a clinical core symptom of depression, and to properly assess and Contributor Information Sabine Mouchet-Mages, Service Hospitalo-Universitaire, Hôpital Sainte Anne, Paris, France; Université Paris Descartes, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes, INSERM U894, Paris, France. Franck J. Baylé, Service Hospitalo-Universitaire, Hôpital Sainte Anne, Paris, France; Université Paris Descartes, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes, INSERM U894, Paris, France.
Anecdotally, there are many examples of striking associations between creativity and mood disorders, and particularly bipolar disorder. For example, Vincent. Van Gogh suffered from mood disorder during much of his short, adult, life, prior to committing suicide at. age 37.

102 The role of these drugs in the prevention

and treatme

102 The role of these drugs in the prevention

and treatment of ZD6474 concentration vascular depression can be examined in patients with ischemic events participating in acute intervention and secondary prevention trials. Treatment of vascular depression Psychotropic drugs used in depressed elderly patients may influence recovery from ischemic lesions. Animal studies suggest that the dopamine receptor blocker haloperidol, the α1-adrenergic receptor antagonists trazodone and amitriptyline, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the ;2-adrenergic receptor clonidine, and GABA agonists such as diazepam and phenytoin interfere with motor recovery after ischemic lesions.102-104 In contrast, amphetamine, desipramine, the dopamine agonist bromocriptine, and the ;2-adrenergic receptor antagonists yohimbine and idazoxan may be beneficial to recovery from ischemic injury.102-104 A clinical study has observed that fluoxetine may facilitate and maprotiline may hinder recovery in poststroke hémiplégie patients undergoing rehabilitation.105

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Studies may examine which psychotropic agents influence the incidence of poststroke depression or alter the course of vascular depression, and identify antidepressants suitable for prophylaxis of vascular Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical depression. The presence of subcortical abnormalities and their adverse impact on the treatment response and the longterm outcome of vascular depression provide the rationale for studies of agents that influence the neurotransmitter systems of frontostriatal circuitry. Further Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical research may determine the efficacy of drugs acting on the dopamine, acetylcholine, and opiate systems of prefrontal pathways in patients with vascular depression. We have observed a relationship between disability and abnormal scores of initiation/perseveration and psychomotor retardation,10 abnormalities that frequently occur in vascular depression. Disability is also associated with anxiety Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and depressive ideation in depressed

elderly patients.10 Cognitive behavioral therapy combined with rehabilitation approaches have been found to reduce depression and improve quality of life.106 Such interventions may be useful in disabled patients with vascular depression provided that they are individualized and address the cognitive deficits of these patients. Conclusion Clinical and neuroimaging no studies suggest that cerebrovascular disease may predispose, initiate, or perpetuate late -life depression, perhaps by compromising the integrity or regulation of CSPTC systems. The heuristic value of the vascular depression hypothesis is that it provides the background for studies of mechanisms of depression. Lesions at specific locations may promote, have no effect, or even protect patients from depression. The lesion burden concept may be relevant to some cases of vascular depression.

Typically these limit the dimensions obtainable since the strateg

Typically these limit the dimensions obtainable since the strategies use high shear processing of preformed entities. To achieve nanoscale dimensions

by these size reduction technologies (“top down” processing), an excessive amount of energy and time needs to be expended [5, 6]. Unfortunately, they often not only proved ineffective but lead to possible product degradation. Because nanosuspensions and novel targeting chaperones, for example T-cells, can deliver much larger amounts of drug in a smaller volume than the solvent diluted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical drug systems [1–4, 7–9], they have a potential advantage as a formulation strategy. Emerging nanotechnologies are having a major impact throughout the pharmaceutical industry. The focus here

is on how these techniques influence Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical delivery strategies and efficacy through enhancement of the transport phenomena involved in all phases of a drug’s life cycle. For example, the Dabrafenib mw ability to obtain desired drug properties, such as size, habit, and morphology, through novel manufacturing strategies permits unique formulation control for optimum delivery methodologies. The ability to transfer energy, mass, and momentum with directed purposeful outcomes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is imperative in establishing higher production rates of these carefully engineered nanoparticles at elevated technoeconomic stature. The role of transport phenomena becomes critically apparent as the industry moves more aggressively toward continuous manufacturing modes, utilizing Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and Process Intensification (PI) concepts. Although these advances rely upon more effective sensor-reporter systems, based on nanoprobe Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical technology, they are not the focus here and therefore will only be briefly touched upon in the following discussions. The emphasis is on the clinical aspects that drive all the other phases needed to get to this stage. That is, once available, these nanoscale entities can be utilized quite effectively in both traditional and novel delivery techniques,

relying heavily on in vivo transport Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical capabilities. The topics to be addressed in the following sections all capitalize on how carefully these drugs PDK4 were designed, developed, and engineered for desired properties and capabilities. Specificity of uptake, clearance control, and transport to the brain via the blood brain barrier, cerebrospinal fluid, or in smart implants are a few examples. Currently, there are a number of nanotechnology drugs in the market [10]. This first generation of such drugs relies mainly on the small size of the particles to increase the surface area and therefore bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs, and to a lesser extent in the structure of the particle for delayed release, and so forth. Examples of nanotechnology drugs in the US market include Rapamune®/Pfizer, Emend®/Merck, INVEGA® SUSTENNA®/Janssen, all based on Elan’s NanoCrystal® technology.

Indeed, in good clinical and epidemiological research it is preci

Indeed, in good clinical and epidemiological research it is precisely this kind of complex interplay

that is the focus of the work. Scientific data can, for example, be used to justify medical resources for those who suffer from psychiatric symptoms, without losing sight of the resilience people show in the face of adverse circumstances and the need for appropriate sociopolitical interventions. Do trauma interviews retraumatize the individual? In one model of the mind, favored by early psychoanalysts, psych opathology results when suppressed impulses appear in a disguised form. In this model, expression of these impulses resolves the unconscious conflict, and is therefore cathartic. Indeed, many programs Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the treatment of PTSD insist that patients this website verbalize their past traumas,

explaining that this articulation is in and of itself therapeutic.21 Pennebaker and colleagues have published a series of studies suggesting that disclosure of trauma, even if only in writing, is therapeutic.22,23 Relatively simple interviews in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Holocaust survivors,24 as well as more complex forms of “testimony psychotherapy,”25 have been found beneficial. Later psychodynamic models of the mind, however, have emphasized the importance of the relationships on which psychopathology and psychotherapy are based. Certainly, therapeutic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical reprocessing of traumatic experience is more complex than simply talking about past trauma; there is also a need for restructuring of the emotional memories and acquisition of new and adaptive responses.26,27 Similarly, testimony Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is arguably effective

only within certain contexts; talking about trauma mayonly be useful at a particular time for a particular individual, and it may be countertherapeutic to encourage the traumatized person to relate his or her story when time and/or context are inappropriate. Debate about the value of the TRC Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical exemplifies some of these issues. On the one hand, there were many anecdotal reports that those who testified before the TRC found this a healing experience.28 The historical significance of the event possibly facilitated a therapeutic process. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that there were also significant negative aspects, including from sometimes having to face cross-examination, not receiving long-term psychological care, and not receiving reparations in a timely fashion. Certainly, we would warn that people who suffer from PTSD may require a great deal more than merely the one-off opportunity to testify about their experience.29 In the research setting, interviews about psychological trauma typically comprise ratings scales and structured interviews. In our anecdotal experience, research subjects who complete realms of self-rating scales often have ambivalent feelings, experiencing many of these as inapplicable or inaccurate.

4 The report also looked at the need for changing


4 The report also looked at the need for changing

roles of key stakeholders in successful transformation of services in health care, required to successfully implement personalized medicine practices. These analyses featured some of the implementation issues Wortmannin in vitro associated with personalized medical care and some of the solutions to overcome them. Definitions and context of personalized medicine The use of the term “personalized medicine” in the literature predates the advances in clinical genomics that have advanced the biological understanding of differences between individuals. Applications of this terminology were often related Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to customized behavioral approaches to management of health conditions. Prior to the 1990s, the use of the term “personalized medicine” was used to imply that there were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sociological, educational, and psychological bases for alternative approaches to patient management that led to more or less successful practices. In the late 1990s, somewhat simultaneously with the approaching completion of the Human Genome Project, more common usage of

the term reflected genetic understanding for differences in pharmacotherapy, ie, pharmacogenomics. This also coincided with the market entry of several molecularly targeted therapies in oncology that used genetically based determinants for the development and subsequent clinical application Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of novel therapeutic agents. Trastuzumab (Herceptin®), a monoclonal antibody that serves Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as a treatment for breast cancer, has often been heralded as the first molecular therapy ascribed to personalized medical applications through the use of an assay to detect overexpression of the Her2 protein, thereby identifying patients who are most likely to respond. Since then, there have been many interpretations and contexts applied to the term “personalized medicine.” For the purposes of this discussion, the definition used here will be based on one by Willard et al as “the delivery Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of health care in a manner that is informed by each person’s unique clinical information; genetic, genomic, and other molecular biological characteristics; and environmental influences. others The goals of personalized medicine

are to take advantage of a molecular understanding of disease, combined with other individual factors, to optimize preventive health care strategies while people are still well or at the earliest stages of disease.”5 Increasingly, consumer interactions with the health care system and engagement in proactive participation in agenda setting and decision making are being applied to new ends. The rise of advocacy organizations and their involvement in therapeutic development, application of social networking enterprises for patient connectivity (ie, PafientsLikeMe), greater involvement of public members in policy development, and growing public influences on coverage and reimbursement policies add new context to patient advocacy.

Figure 7 Results from 193 spectra in vivo data: Select ICs and ma

Figure 7 Results from 193 spectra in vivo data: Select ICs and matching LCModel spectra shown; all spectra zero-mean, unit-norm. See resonance peaks of the ICs substantially overlapping matched basis spectra;

also notice minor covarying resonances along the baseline. … Figure 8 illustrates the capability of ICA to extract certain resonances of interest in the presence of confounds, and toward this, we present three sets of plots in columns. The Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical first plot in each set (top row) is the 193 subjects spectral data input to ICA, the composite spectra reconstructed from principal components. The second plot (middle row) is the variability in the data explained by an individual independent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical component or group of ICs. The final plot (bottom row) is the residue or the variability unexplained by the respective component(s). For the purposes of this illustration, we selected two individual ICs (Cho, NAA), and the whole set of six

ICs (Cr, m-Ins, NAA, NAAG, PCh, and s-Ins) shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 Cut-out plots from in vivo experiment: Top row shows the input to ICA, real part of in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical vivo spectra from 193 subjects. Mid row captures the variability explained by select component(s): Cho, NAA, and “all select spectra”. Bottom row captures … Discussion Our simulation results show that ICA unmixes noise-free, multivariate data and extracts components closely resembling underlying spectra and that the ICA estimates closely track the ground truth-mixing coefficients. We also demonstrate that ICA offers superior consistency of results with simulated data compared to LCModel; while both results are nearly identical in the ideal case for LCModel, ICA is much more robust than LCModel in the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nonideal case where the actual ground truth deviates from the assumed basis set, illustrating the effects of modeling inaccuracies. A close look at the effects of spectral

correlations of the two sets of basis spectra reveals that the varying degrees of correlations Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of LCModel estimates in the nonideal case are due to the extent of the differences of spectral patterns Rolziracetam between the models. A wealth of information can be gleaned from the ICA results alone, by closely examining ICA’s performance in selleck inhibitor extracting modeled resonances having different statistical properties. The illustration in Figure 4, where the modeled resonances of m-Ins and Gly are compared with their matching ICs, helps bring out the limitations and advantages of the ICA approach. The modeled spectra are correlated to each other, due to their common peak at ~3.56 ppm. However, as the variability associated with that peak does not covary with other peaks in the modeled m-Ins resonance, ICA resolves the peak at 3.56 ppm separately and thus provides a clean estimate of Gly. As ICA minimizes mutual information among the components, the 3.56-ppm peak does not appear in the m-Ins like component, even though modeled spectrum has a 3.

After having completed the test, each student was handed out a st

After having completed the test, each student was handed out a standardized questionnaire to evaluate whether they had gained experience with laryngeal airway devices prior to the study or whether they had any medical pre-education

(e.g. nurse, paramedic. etc.). After a period of one week all students were re-evaluated on the same scenario using the same device. During this week they attended two ERC-Instructor-supervised lectures consisting of one hour theoretical basics referring to the need and purpose of airway management and another hour of practical training. The very same study protocol was repeated with the same study Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical group six months thereafter. Again each student was evaluated before and after the above mentioned training programme. Statistical Data Analysis Primary end point of the study was to determine the time from beginning the scenario to correct insertion of the laryngeal airway after the students’ Selleckchem Vemurafenib opinion. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Normal distribution of the data was confirmed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test. By use of a t-test differences in time until correct placement and initial tidal volume between the first and the second evaluation were calculated as well Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as between the two different devices for each time point. All data was described as mean ± SD. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered

to indicate significance. For analysis statistical software SPSS 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill.) was used. Results The mean age of the study population was 20.7

± 2.9 years (range 18-42). In the first evaluation, 20 out of 79 subjects in the LMA-Classic-group and 11 out of 60 subjects in the LMA-Fastrach-group failed to generate an initial tidal volume greater than 150 ml. Mean time for correct placement was 55.5 ± 29.6 s for the LMA-Classic and 38.1 ± 24.9 s for the LMA-Fastrach Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (p < 0.05). Numbers of attempts needed were 2.0 ± 1.6 for the LMA-Classic and 1.5 ± 0.73 for the LMA-Fastrach, respectively. The measured tidal volume with the volumeter was 674 ± 133 ml for the LMA-Classic and 1057 ± 158 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical ml for the LMA-Fastrach. Air leakage at the outer end of the airways was observed in 2 cases for the LMA-Classic and in 2 cases for the LMA-Fastrach, no placement was feasible in 2 cases for both devices, respectively. In the second below evaluation, initial tidal volume <150 ml for the LMA-Classic was observed in 14 out of 79 subjects and in 6 out of 60 subjects for the LMA-Fastrach. Time until correct placement decreased significantly for both devices. In detail, mean time for the LMA-Classic was 22.9 ± 13.5 s, correct placement for the LMA-Fastrach was 22.9 ± 19.0 s. Comparing LMA-Classic with the LMA-Fastrach, no significantly faster placement could be shown. Numbers of attempts until correct placement were 1.1 ± 0.52 for the LMA-Classic and 1.4 ± 0.95 for the LMA-Fastrach. The measured tidal volume was 777 ± 367 ml for the LMA-Classic. For the LMA-Fastrach, a tidal volume of 1018 ± 50 ml was recorded.

A TTN mutation Gln4053ter found in a patient with DCM decreased t

A TTN mutation Gln4053ter found in a patient with DCM decreased the binding to α-actinin (12). We also reported that DCM-associated TCAP mutations Arg87Gln and Glu132Gln decreased binding to titin/connectin, MLP and calsarcin-1 (13). Likewise, DCM-associated CSRP3 mutations Trp4Arg and Lys69Arg decreased binding to T-cap/telethonin and α-actinin, respectively (21, 22). It should also be noted

here that a DCM-associated ACTN2 mutation Gln9Argreduced binding to MLP (22). These observations suggested that the impaired interaction among cytoskeletal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Z-band components caused DCM; i.e., the decreased interaction might lead to loose sarcomere assembly and reduce the stretch response

of cardiomyocytes as shown in MLP-knock out mice with DCM phenotype (21). In this regard, it is of interest that stretch and passive tension of sarcomere can regulate Ca2+-sensitivity of cardiac muscle contraction (23), suggesting that the impaired interaction might alter the Ca2+-sensitivity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of muscle contraction. The molecular mechanisms due to the genetic abnormalities of sarcomere components, especially the troponin complex, have been investigated. The troponin complex, composed of the Ca2+-binding subunit troponin C, inhibitory subunit troponin I and an elongated molecule Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical troponin T, is an essential modulator of Ca2+-stimulated actomyosin interaction or ATPase activity in the striated muscle. It has been reported that a DCM-associated mutation in troponin T showed Ca2+-desensitization and decreased maximal force (24, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 25). The decreased Ca2+-sensitivity of muscle contraction may well explain the systolic dysfunction, a common pathophysiological alteration in DCM. Another functional

study showed significant impairment of troponin complex assembly due to the mutant troponin I or C (26). On the other hand, a DCM-associated LDB3 mutation increased the binding ability to protein kinase C which plays a key role in the cell signaling pathway Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (27). In addition, we recently identified novel DCM-associated mutations in the genes for αB-crystallin (CRYAB) and four-and-a-half LIM domains 2 (FHL2, FHL2), which serve as a Cabozantinib cell line chaperon against stress and as a scaffold of signaling proteins localizing to the crotamiton sites of energy consumption in the cardiac sarcomere, respectively. As for the functional alteration due to the mutations, the mutations of αB-crystallin and FHL2 impaired the binding ability to titin/connectin (28, 29). Although the molecular mechanisms of DCM due to these abnormalities remain to be elucidated, the cardiac dysfunction may be associated not only with the alteration of mechanical stretch response but also with the impairment/perturbation of the interaction between sarcomere/Z-band and signaling molecules.

With the limitations described

below, its use is possibl

With the limitations described

below, its use is possible with patients suffering from impairment in oculomotor dysfunctions, such as ALS and locked-in patients. Besides, a P300-based BCI does not require initial user training in order to generate a P300 in response to the desired target. In a recent study, Guger et al. (2009) proved that the P300-based BCI can achieve high accuracy after only Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 5 min of training. In such study, 72.8% of the subjects reached 100% accuracy with a row-column paradigm speller. Interestingly, they found that the system was more accurate for people who slept less the previous night, while no significant differences were observed with regard to gender, level of education, working duration, and cigarette and coffee consumption. These results overcome those

obtained in a previous study by Guger et al. (2003), where they tested a motor imagery-based Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical BCI system and found that, after 20–30 min (two sessions) of training, about 93% of the subjects were able to achieve classification accuracy above 60%. These findings highlights that P300-based BCIs are a far more practical choice than SMR-based BCIs. In P300-BCIs, P300 ERPs Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical from several trials are averaged, in order to improve accuracy and reduce noise. The classifier discriminates which stimuli elicit a robust P300. If none of the stimuli provoke an ERP different from other ERPs, this indicates that it is not possible to use P300 for communicating. Such phenomenon has been observed across different BCI approaches, with 20% of subjects being not proficient in using BCI, and it has been called “BCI Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical illiteracy” (Kubler and Muller 2007). The main explanation of such phenomenon is that not every person can generate the brain activity necessary to control a specific BCI. In fact, even if all people’s brain shares (more or less) the same functional properties and subdivisions, some differences in brain structure can be present. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical For

example, some users produce P300 evoked-related potential not detectable at the level of the scalp, so that EEG cannot be effectively performed. In particular, it has been Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease observed that 10% of healthy subjects do not produce a robust P300. Some issues must be considered while planning to use a P300-BCI system. Two important criteria in order to evaluate the feasibility of a BCI system are the speed and the accuracy (Kubler et al. 2001a). The former is related to the fact that the more rapidly a BCI can be selleck chemicals controlled, the more amount of information can be produced by the user, and the faster communication is possible. Obviously, compared to speech, the communication rate is reduced with BCI, but a limit presumably exists, below which the communication rate of a BCI should not fall.

To choose between parametric or non-parametric test is a very dif

To choose between parametric or non-parametric test is a very difficult and complex decision. In contrast to Dr Najmi’s views behavioral scientists rarely have data meeting the assumption of the parametric tests. The data from behavioral research do not allow the use of parametric tests, since they do not meet the criteria for such tests. Therefore, non-parametric

tests Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical play a prominent role in the analysis and of data obtained from investigations in behavioral and social sciences.7 Moreover, the researchers’ knowledge about the population from which the data are obtained defines which group of tests is appropriate to be used in a study.7 On the other hand in studies involving large samples it is possible to use non-parametric tests instead of parametric tests. Indeed using parametric or non-parametric Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tests don’t cause Quisinostat problem in these situations.8 In conclusion, it is almost impossible to find a study in which cofounders are totally controlled. Obviously, the before-after Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical design may suffer from the impact

that pretest could have on post-test, or from simultaneous events. However, in our study only two months were allowed between pre counseling and post counseling measurements. It doesn’t seem that family members who knew of the HIV status of their patients and revealed a particular behavior toward Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical them for several years could change their behavior significantly as a result of events other than counseling practiced in the study.
Background: Statins, such as simvastatin, are the drugs of choice for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. On the other hand hypercholesterolmia can

occur in hypothyroid patients, who receive levothyroxine. There are few clinical case reports in regards to drug interaction between levothyroxine Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and lovastatin or simvastatin, indicating decreased levothyroxine effects. This study aimed at determining possible interaction between simvastatin and levothyroxine in hypothyroid patients by assessing many serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4), the two important laboratory indices for levothyroxine therapy. Methods: In a cross sectional study, 41 eligible hypothyroid patients receiving levothyroxine (50-150 µg/d) were selected. Blood samples were taken before and after three months of simultaneous treatment with simvastatin (20 mg/d) and levothyroxine to determine the serum levels of TSH and FT4. Results: There was no significant difference between the serum levels of TSH (P=0.77) or FT4 (P=0.76) before and after three months of simultaneous treatment. Also, there was no aggravation or initiation of any sign or symptom of hypothyroidism in the patients during the study period.