The GRADE approach to grading quality of evidence about diagnosti

The GRADE approach to grading quality of evidence about diagnostic tests and strategies. Allergy 2009, 64:1109–1116.PubMed 4. Moore LJ, Moore FA, Jones SL, Xu J, Bass BL: Sepsis in general surgery: a deadly complication. Am J Surg 2009,198(6):868–74.PubMed 5. Moore LJ, Moore FA, Todd SR, Jones SL, Turner KL, Bass BL: Sepsis in general surgery: the 2005–2007 national surgical quality improvement program perspective. Arch Surg 2010,145(7):695–700.PubMed 6. Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet JM, Bion J, Parker MM, Jaeschke R, Reinhart K, Angus DC, Brun-Buisson C, Beale R, Calandra T, Dhainaut JF, Gerlach H, Harvey M, Marini JJ, Marshall J, Ranieri M, Ramsay G,

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The average fiber diameter of the composite nanofibers is 290 ± 9

The average fiber diameter of the composite nanofibers is 290 ± 90 nm which decreases to 210 ± 60 nm, 180 ± 70 nm, and 140 ± 80 nm after sintering at 500°C, 550°C, and 600°C, respectively. It is known that crystalline grains of anatase TiO2 are spherical, while selleckchem rutile ones are of rod structure. With the increase of the sintering temperature, some anatase TiO2 grains will transform to rutile ones, which may result in the thinning of the fibers. Moreover, transformation

of anatase TiO2 grains to rutile ones will introduce stress in the fibers, which will cause the fibers to become brittle and even fracture. The insets in Figure  1b, c, d are high-magnification photos of nanofibers, which indicate that the surfaces of TiO2 nanofibers sintered at 500°C and 550°C are rather smooth, while become a little rough when sintering

temperature increases to 600°C. Figure  2 shows the XRD patterns of TiO2 nanofibers. All the peaks of the TiO2 nanofibers sintered at 500°C are indexed for anatase TiO2 with dominant (101) peaks. The mean grain size determined from the XRD pattern using the Scherrer formula is around 16 nm. The nanofibers sintered at 550°C, 600°C, and 700°C are observed to contain both anatase and rutile phases. The phase composition can be determined from XRD results according to the following equation [29]: (2) where click here W R, A A, and A R represent rutile weight percentage, integrated intensity of anatase (101) peak, and rutile (110) peak, respectively [29]. The calculated rutile contents in the above three mixed-phase nanofiber samples are approximately 15.6, 87.8, and 90.5 wt.%, and the mean grain sizes are 22, 30, and 42 nm, respectively. The XRD results indicate that with the increase of sintering temperature, the grain size is gradually increased; however, rutile content is sharply increased in the temperature range of 550°C to 600°C. Figure 1 SEM images of electrospun nanofibers. As-spun TiO2-PVP nanofibers (a), TiO2 nanofibers after calcination at 500°C (b), 550°C (c), and 600°C (d). The insets in b, c, and d are high-magnification photos of single nanofibers. Figure 2 XRD patterns

of TiO 2 nanofibers sintered at 500°C, 550°C, 600°C, and 700°C. The diffractions of anatase and rutile phase are labeled in the figure as ‘A’ and ‘R’, respectively. Characterization Acetophenone of ultrathin ZnO layers deposited by ALD method To detect the crystallographic structure and thickness of ZnO layers, except FTO substrates, glass substrates were also used to deposit ZnO layers. XRD patterns for ZnO layers deposited on glass substrate are shown in Figure  3a. A 4-nm-thick ZnO layer does not show any diffraction peak, whereas peaks corresponding to hexagonal phase ZnO are observed for the thickness of 10 or 20 nm, which indicates that the deposited ZnO layers by ALD method are polycrystalline. Figure  3b shows the UV–vis transmission spectra for the FTO substrates without ZnO layers and with ZnO layers of different thicknesses.

They can also be released into the extracellular environment or d

They can also be released into the extracellular environment or directly translocated into host cells [3]. All protein synthesis takes place in the cytoplasm, so all non-cytoplasmic proteins must pass through one or two lipid bilayers by a mechanism commonly called “”secretion”". Protein secretion is involved in various processes including plant-microbe interactions [4, 5]), biofilm formation

[6, selleck screening library 7] and virulence of plant and human pathogens [8–10]. Two main systems are involved in protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane, namely the essential and universal Sec (Secretion) pathway and the Tat (Twin-arginine translocation) pathway found in some prokaryotes (monoderms and diderms) and eukaryotes alike [11–16]. The Sec machinery recognizes an N-terminal hydrophobic signal sequence and translocates unfolded proteins [12], whereas the Tat machinery recognizes a basic-rich N-terminal motif (SRR-x-FLK) and transports fully folded proteins [13, 14]). In addition to these systems, diderm bacteria have six further systems that secrete proteins using a contiguous channel spanning the two membranes (T1SS, [17, 18], T3SS, T4SS and T6SS [19–24]) or in two steps, the first being Sec- or Tat-dependent

export into the periplasmic and the second being translocation across the outer membrane (T2SS, [25–27] and T5SS, [28, 29]). Other diderm protein secretion systems exist: they include the chaperone-usher system (CU or T7SS, tuclazepam [30, 31]) and the

extracellular nucleation-precipitation mechanism (ENP or T8SS, [32]). It is Proteasome inhibition assay worth mentioning that the terminology T7SS has also been proposed to describe a completely different protein secretion system, namely the ESAT-6 protein secretion (ESX) in Mycobacteria, now considered as diderm bacteria [33]. Beside Sec and Tat pathways, monoderm bacteria have additional secretion systems for protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane, namely the flagella export apparatus (FEA [34]), the fimbrilin-protein exporter (FPE, [35, 36]) and the WXG100 secretion system (Wss, [37, 38]). Establishing whole proteome subcellular localization by biochemical experiments is possible but arduous, time consuming and expensive. Data concerning predicted proteins (from whole genome sequences) is continuously increasing. High-throughput in silico analysis is required for fast and accurate prediction of additional attributes based solely on their amino acid sequences. There are large numbers of global (that yield final localization) and specialized (that predict features) tools for computer-assisted prediction of protein localizations. Most specialized tools tend to detect the presence of N-terminal signal peptides (SP). Prediction of Sec-sorting signals has a long history as the first methods, based on weight matrices, were published about fifteen years ago [39–41]. Numerous machine learning-based methods are now available [42–50].

The adhered cells have been removed from the catheter sections by

The adhered cells have been removed from the catheter sections by vortexing and brief sonication, and serial tenfold dilutions ranging from 10−4 to 10−12 of the obtained inocula have been spotted on Muller-Hinton agar, CP-690550 ic50 incubated for 24 h at 37°C, and assessed for VCCs [23, 42]. All tests were performed in triplicate. Characterization of biofilm development on the surface of nano-modified prosthetic device After 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation, the samples prepared

as described above were removed from the plastic wells, washed three times with PBS, fixed with cold methanol, and dried before microscopic examination. The biofilm development on the surface of coated and uncoated prosthetic devices was visualized using a Hitachi S2600N scanning electron microscope (SEM; Tokyo, Japan) at 25 keV, in primary electron fascicles, on samples covered with a thin silver layer. Results and discussion The increasing occurrence of multiresistant pathogenic bacterial strains has gradually rendered traditional antimicrobial treatment ineffective. The prognosis is worsened by the formation of bacterial

biofilms on the biomaterials used in medicine, even if the planktonic cells are susceptible to some antibiotics. Public reports stated that 60% to 85% of all microbial infections involve biofilms developed on natural intact or damaged tissues or artificial devices [43]. GW-572016 cell line selleck inhibitor These infections are characterized by slow onset, middle-intensity symptoms, chronic evolution, and high tolerance to antibiotics and other antimicrobials [44]. The efficiency of essential oils, polyphenolic extracts obtained from foregoing plants, and their synergic effects as alternative strategies

for the treatment of severe infections caused by highly resistant bacteria was tested on the following species: methicillin-resistant S. aureus, extended-spectrum beta-lactamases producing Escherichia coli, and multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa[8]. Previous studies have demonstrated that the mint essential oil (Mentha sp.) exhibited synergistic inhibitory effects with low pH and sodium chloride against Listeria and inhibited some organisms such as S. aureus, E. coli, Candida albicans, Acinetobacter baumanii, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium, and Serratia marcescens[45]. The analyzed M. piperita EO proved to be rich in β-pinene, limonene, menthone, isomenthol, and menthol. These results are in concordance with reported literature [46, 47]. We have suggested before the efficiency of nanosystem-vectored essential oil strategy [23]. The Fe3O4/C12 nanoparticles seem not to be cytotoxic on the HEp2 cell line, which is a great advantage for the in vivo use of these nanostructure systems for biomedical applications with minor risks of the occurrence of side effects [48].

FY participated in the CLSM analysis JL participated in the RNA

FY participated in the CLSM analysis. JL participated in the RNA extractions. YW participated in the design of the study, performed the statistical analysis Epigenetics Compound Library cost and edited the manuscript. AF, PF, and JS performed and analyzed microarray experiments. DQ participated in the study design and coordination and helped to draft and edit the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background The Lactobacillus sakei species belongs to the lactic acid bacteria (LAB), a group of Gram-positive organisms with a low G+C content which produce lactic acid as the main end product of carbohydrate fermentation. This trait has, throughout history, made LAB suitable for

production of food. Acidification suppresses the growth and survival of undesirable spoilage bacteria and human pathogens. L. sakei is naturally associated with the meat and fish environment, and is important in the meat industry where it is used as starter culture

for sausage fermentation [1, 2]. The bacterium shows great potential as a protective culture and biopreservative to extend storage life and ensure microbial safety of meat and fish products [3–6]. The genome screening assay sequence of L. sakei strain 23K has revealed a metabolic repertoire which reflects the bacterium’s adaption to meat products and the ability to flexibly use meat components [7]. Only a few carbohydrates are available in meat and fish, and L. sakei can utilize mainly glucose and ribose for growth, a utilization biased in favour of glucose [7–9]. The species has been observed as a transient member of the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) [10, 11], and ribose may be described as a commonly accessible carbon source in the gut environment [12]. Transit through the GIT of axenic mice gave mutant strains

which grow faster on ribose compared with glucose [13]. Glucose is primarily transported and phosphorylated by the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS). A phosphorylation cascade is driven from PEP through the general components enzyme I (EI) and the histidine protein (HPr), then via the mannose-specific enzyme II complex (EIIman) to find more the incoming sugar. Moreover, glucose is fermented through glycolysis leading to lactate [7, 8, 14]. Ribose transport and subsequent phosphorylation are induced by the ribose itself and mediated by a ribose transporter (RbsU), a D-ribose pyranase (RbsD), and a ribokinase (RbsK) encoded by rbsUDK, respectively. These genes form an operon with rbsR which encodes the local repressor RbsR [15, 16]. The phosphoketolase pathway (PKP) is used for pentose fermentation ending with lactate and other end products [8, 17]. L. sakei also has the ability to catabolize arginine, which is abundant in meat, and to catabolize the nucleosides inosine and adenine, a property which is uncommon among lactobacilli [7, 18].

Nevertheless, PE and PPE family proteins, and proteins coded by e

Nevertheless, PE and PPE family proteins, and proteins coded by esx gene clusters are very small and polymorphous among genomes of the 11 NTM species compared (Table 1). Mycobacterial cell wall is also important in pathology, and could procure interesting PCR targets. For instance, several studies emphasized that cyclopropanation of the mycolic acids is common among pathogenic mycobacteria but rare

among saprophytic species [39]. Although having sufficient length, proteins CMAS coded by the cmaA1 gene and lipoprotein coded by lppM gene in M. tuberculosis H37Rv, were also polymorphous among genomes of the 11 NTM species compared PF-02341066 manufacturer (Table 1) and thus could not be used to design a primer pair and a probe (Additional file 2). Nevertheless, polymorphism of mycobacterial mycolic acids is useful for mycobacteria identification [40, 41]. The atpE gene which codes ATP synthase subunit C in M. tuberculosis H37Rv genome (locus Rv1305) is exclusively conserved in the genomes of the 17 mycobacterial species studied (Additional file 2), and its length and relative conservation among mycobacteria make it an adequate molecular target in order to detect Mycobacterium genus. It is remarkable to see that the protein coded by atpE gene was also click here the target of the new antimycobacterial compound recently

described: diarylquinoline R207910 [42]. This compound shows a specific bactericidal effect on mycobacteria and none in other genera [43]. In addition, our in Selleck ZD1839 vitro results demonstrated the specificity of the atpE gene (locus Rv1305), which codes for the ATP synthase protein subunit C. These results also showed that our strategy of target design based on MycoHit software (Figure 1) gave very useful results for designing highly specific primers and might be applied to other microorganism clusters. In vitro validation of the real-time PCR targeting the atpE gene showed a very high specificity and sensitivity, as well as reproducible

quantification of different mycobacteria species. The new real-time method was tested on a realistic number of mycobacterial species including several slow and rapid growing NTM, although not all the described mycobacterial species were tested. In addition, application of this real-time PCR method to environmental samples showed that Mycobacterium was detected in tap water samples. The discrepancy between the cultural and molecular techniques was previously described for other pathogens, and the lower level of prevalence obtained by the PCR methods was probably due to our concentration and extraction procedures. These protocol steps must be improved to detect low level of NTM even if the used spin column seemed more appropriate for DNA extraction from environmental samples compared to classical phenol-chloroform extraction. Moreover, culture method did not detect higher level of mycobacterial cells compared to the molecular one.

For instance, viruses with truncated or abolished M protein

For instance, viruses with truncated or abolished M protein

may survive due to the disruption of their epitopes. Interestingly, we observed a much higher frequency of preS2 deletions in patients treated with NAs compared to long-term immuno-suppressed organ-transplant recipients (Figure 2), suggesting increased immune escape in preS2 deletion mutants. In particular, almost all truncated preS2 mutants had a damaged b10 epitope (aa 120–145), a major envelope epitope whose absence would inhibit HBV clearing by the host [31, 32]. Therefore, larger sample sizes and detailed functional analysis FK506 supplier will be required for further verification. Meanwhile, considering the virulent feature of preS deletion mutants in chronic hepatitis infection, development of diagnostic find more tests

for various deletion mutants would be beneficial for CH patients. Conclusions In this study, we characterized deletion patterns in three hotspots, along the whole HBV genome, that are prevalent in northern China. Except for the BCP region, which influences regulating elements of the core gene, most deletions appear to destroy various epitopes of viral proteins. A comparison of samples with or without antiviral medication demonstrated a correlation between NA treatment and preS deletions, which is also evidenced by the analysis of serial samples before and after ADV treatment. Although preS deletions alone had no effect on drug resistance, the accumulation of preS deletion mutants in patients during antiviral treatment may promote viral immune escape. Methods Patients and blood samples Blood samples were provided by You’an Hospital in Beijing. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Beijing Institute of Genomics and the Ethics Committee of Beijing You’an Hospital of Capital Medical University. Informed consent was obtained from all patients.

Patients were diagnosed as chronic carrier (CC), chronic hepatitis (CH), liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) according to the guidelines on the prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B in China (2010) [33]. No patients had co-infections with HCV, HDV, or HIV. Blood samples of 5ml were collected, cells and Astemizole sera were then separated and stored at −20°C. From the few hundred stored samples, we successfully amplified and sequenced 51 whole genomes from 51 individuals. Additionally, preS clone sequencing was performed in another cohort of 52 patients for fine mapping of deletion substructure. DNA quantification and HBV serological marker detection Viral DNA titers were quantified using the FQ-PCR Kit for HBV (DaAn Gene Co., Guangdong, China) on a GeneAmp 5700 Sequence Detection System (PE Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). Serological markers were determined by an Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay on a Roche E170 Modular Immunoassay Analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) following the manufacturer’s protocol.


haemolyticus Dinaciclib has not been demonstrated. To investigate ChoP expression in H. haemolyticus, we obtained LOS profiles on silver-stained tricine SDS-PAGE from whole-cell lysates on three H. influenzae control strains, six H. haemolyticus strains containing a licA gene, and five H. haemolyticus strains lacking a licA gene [10]. As seen in Figure 1 (upper panel), both NT H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus demonstrated intra-and inter-strain variability in LOS migration. A duplicate gel was transferred to a Western

immunoblot and ChoP was detected with TEPC-15, a mAb that recognizes ChoP on a number of pathogenic bacteria [36–38]. TEPC-15 reacted with LOS-associated bands in all H. influenzae control strains and in Ferroptosis targets the six H. haemolyticus strains that contained a licA gene (Figure 1 lower panel). The antibody, however, did not react to five H. haemolyticus strains lacking a licA gene (Figure 1 lower panel). Figure 1 LOS profiles and TEPC-15 mAb reactivity in H. haemolyticus. H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus whole-cell lysates were run on tricine SDS-PAGE and silver stained to visualize LOS migration (upper panel) or transferred to nitrocellulose membrane for reactivity with the ChoP-specific mAb, TEPC-15 (lower panel). Lanes 1-3, H. influenzae ChoP phase-on variant strains

(E1a, Rd, and Mr15); lanes 4-9, H. haemolyticus strains hybridizing with a licA gene probe (M07-22, 60P3H1, 7P24 H, 3P41H5, C03-22, and H01-21); and lanes

10-14, H. haemolyticus strains not hybridizing with a licA gene probe (ATCC 33390, 3P18H1, 24P4 H, 26428, 26322) The association of ChoP epitopes with H. haemolyticus LOS was further supported by proteinase K digestion experiments. TEPC-15 reactivity was still present on Western immunoblots containing H. influenzae strain Rd and H. haemolyticus strain M07-22 that were pre-treated with proteinase K, although no proteins were visible in these preparations when they were run on glycine SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie (data not shown). Together these results suggest that, similar to H. influenzae, some strains of H. haemolyticus can express a ChoP epitope that is localized within its Endonuclease LOS. H. haemolyticus contains a lic1 locus similar to H. influenzae The ability of H. haemolyticus to hybridize with a H. influenzae licA gene probe suggests that H. haemolyticus contains a lic1 locus [10]. In H. haemolyticus strains M07-22 and 60P3H1, licA-licD gene probes were each found to hybridize with one restriction fragment on Southern blots, suggesting that all genes were confined to a single locus in each strain (data not shown). PCR designed to amplify overlapping regions of H. influenzae lic1 locus genes also amplified similar products in H.

Zeta potentials were measured with NICOMP 380 ZLS Zeta Potential/

Zeta potentials were measured with NICOMP 380 ZLS Zeta Potential/Particle Size Analyzer. The XPS measurements were performed

on an Axis Ultra DLD XPS (Kratos Analytical, Manchester, UK) using a monochromated Al Kα (1,486.6 eV) source at 15 AZD1208 kV. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken on a ZEISS-ULTRA 55 SEM (Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with an X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscope (EDS) at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV (provided in Additional file 1). In addition, the conductive properties of the nanoscale GO film coated on the mica surface were tested using a conductive AFM. The detailed process and results have been given in Additional file 1. Results and discussion Tailoring large-area GO by different metal ions Graphene oxide is very widely generated using natural graphite powder through the Hummers method. The chemically derived GO is soluble in pure water due to hydrophilic functional groups, e.g., carboxyl, hydroxyl, and epoxide groups on the surface [16, 21]. Figure 1a shows the AFM image of GO with atom-level smoothness and the sizes in the range of 1 to 10 μm. The height profile of the AFM image in Figure 1e is approximately 1 nm, which is consistent with the data reported in the literature, indicating the formation of a single-layered GO. Figure 1b,c,d depicts that the nanoscale GO pieces with buy HM781-36B different sizes were tailored utilizing three kinds of

metal ions (Ag+, Ni2+, Co2+), respectively. Corresponding profile analysis of these AFM height images (Figure 1f,g,h) has given heights of approximately 1 nm, which were elementally consistent

with the thickness of GO. Similarly, in the addition of Ag+ ion system, some nanoparticles have been found to be dispersed in the solution or attached on the GO surfaces similar to what we have reported previously [22]. In our previous work, we mainly focused on the synthesis of silver-GO composites. When testing the samples Loperamide by AFM, some little pieces were occasionally detected in the high-resolution images, which were neglected as contamination before [22]. Thereafter, in order to investigate the tailoring mechanism, we selected the other weak oxidation of metal ions, such as Ni2+ and Co2+, and obtained results similar to the information given previously. In addition, XPS data have been provided in Additional file 1: Figure S1. Figure 1 Tapping-mode AFM images of GO and nanoscale GO pieces. (a) GO, (b) Ag+, (c) Co2+, and (d) Ni2+ and corresponding profile analysis: (e) GO, (f) Ag+, (g) Co2+, and (h) Ni2+. Tailoring large-area GO by silver ions For silver ions, a series of systematic experiments have been carried out. In a typical experiment, 0.50 mg/mL of an aqueous GO dispersion (10 mL) was added to 10 mM aqueous AgNO3 solution (10 mL). As shown in Figure 2a, the large-area GO has been tailored into small fragments after the reaction was kept for approximately 12 h. TEM image and EDS data were given in Additional file 1: Figure S2.

The findings from our current study support the conclusions of Mo

The findings from our current study support the conclusions of Monteerarat et al., and we have further extended these to airway epithelial targets of human IAV infection. A combination of these two types of siRNAs might result in broader spectrum synergistic activities, depending upon their targets. Conclusions We demonstrated the in vitro efficacy of siRNAs targeting ST6GAL1 in respiratory epithelial cells for the prevention of IAV infections at the virus entry stage. Further in vivo preclinical testing is required to determine the suitability of these siRNAs for use in humans.

Methods Cells and viruses We used Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells for virus propagation and 50% tissue culture-infective dose (TCID50) titration assays. MDCK cells were in minimal essential medium (MEM; Gibco, Carlsbad, CA, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; learn more Gibco), 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Gibco) at 37°C/5% CO2. The A549 human lung carcinoma, human bronchial epithelium (HBE), and human laryngeal epidermoid carcinome (HEp-2) cells were used for transfection experiments. These cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified

Eagle’s medium (DMEM; Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 μg/mL streptomycin at 37°C 5% CO2. We used a 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (pdmH1N1), strain A/Guangzhou/GIRD07/2009 (GenBank Accession No. HM_014326-HM_014333). A seasonal H3N2 influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/520/2009) was isolated from a patient with influenza-like symptoms. An influenza A H9N2 isolate (A/Chicken/Guangdong/SS/94) was Hedgehog inhibitor Cobimetinib ic50 kindly provided by South China Agricultural University.

The pdmH1N1 and H3N2 viruses were grown in MDCK cells at 35°C, while the H9N2 virus was propagated in allantoic cavities of 10-day-old embryonated hens’ eggs at 37°C. All experiments with pdmH1N1 and H9N2 viruses were conducted under biosecurity level three conditions, and higher. Preparation and transfection of siRNAs The siRNAs against ST6GAL1 were designed using BLOCK-iT™ RNAi Designer [36] and synthesized by Invitrogen ( Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Sequences are available in Additional file 1: Table S1. As a negative control, we used non-targeting Allstars® siRNAs (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). All siRNA duplexes were double-stranded RNA molecules comprising 21 nt with a dTdT overhang at the 3’ ends [37]. Target sequences were subjected to a Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) search against GenBank to ensure they were unique to ST6GAL1. Airway epithelial cell lines (A549, HBE, and HEp-2) were transfected with either ST6GAL1 or non-targeting Allstars® siRNAs using Lipofectamine® RNAiMax (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. At different time points post-transfection, cells were either infected with influenza virus or harvested for downstream experiments.